Feinstec S.L. Safety shrink & Automatic machines.
We have the best quality-cost relationship on the market. We manufacture shrink bands ans shrink roll stock tubing in all shapes and thickness for any kind of automatic sealer machines in order to fulfill any kinf of standard order within 10 days.This materials is manufactures in one or two colors in...
Our tunnels can be in-line or of automatic elevation, they are made of stainless steel, they are used in wineries forthe creation of the shrink cap seal of wine bottles as wel as in the food product, cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors in the production of retractile seals that wrap different container´s caps.
Feinstec S.L.
Polígono Cantabria 2, Calle las Cañas Nº71, pab. 49.
26006 Logroño
941 241 102